5 THE TIETZE-URYSOHN EXTENSION THEOREM 89 which shows that \z — z'\ = d(z, z') is a distance defined on C = R x R, which is uniformly equivalent to the distance considered in Section 3.20. The balls for that distance are called discs. Any complex number z ^ 0 can be written in one and only one way as a product r£, with r > 0 and |C| = 1, namely by taking r = \z\ and £ = z/\z\. PROBLEM Let /be a continuous mapping of C into itself such that /(z -f z') =/(z) +/(zO and /(zzO =/(z)/(z'). Show that either /(z) = 0 for every z e C, or / is one of the mappings z -»- z, z -> z (use (4.1.3)). (It can be proved, using the axiom of choice, that there aremjec- tive, nonsurjective and noncontinuous mappings / of C into itself, such that /(z + z') = f(z) +/OO and/(zz') = /(z)/(z'). Compare to the problem in Section 4.2.) 5. THE TIETZE-URYSOHN EXTENSION THEOREM (4.5.1) (Tietze-Urysohn extension theorem) Let "E be a metric space, A a closed subset of E, f a continuous bounded mapping of A into R. Then there exists a continuous mapping gof^E into R which coincides with f in A and is such that sup g(x) = sup/(jO, inf g(x) = inf/Cy). jceA yeA jeeE yeA We may suppose that inf f(y) = 1 , sup f(y) = 2 by replacing eventually y e A y e A /by a mapping y ->• a/W + /?, a 7^ 0 (the case in which/is constant is trivial). Define g(x) as equal tof(x) for x e A, and given by the formula yeA for x e E - A. From the inequalities 1 0, let r > 0 on, since